Our bike tours on the Danube 2024

Whether you prefer athletic or leisurely tours, whether you want to cycle quickly or take time to explore the area, whether you are cycling with your group of friends or your family - our bike tours along Danube river from Passau to Vienna or in the Danube region have something to offer for every preference.

Danube: Bavaria & Austria
Cycle Tour Bavarian Danube Donauwörth - Passau
7 nights, from 35-65 km/day
good comfort M

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Passau - based in one hotel Passau, based in one hotel
5 nights, from 40-60 km/day
good comfort M
high comfort L
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Donau: from Schärding/Passau to Wien
Athletic cycling on the Danube Schärding - Vienna athletic

4 nights, 110 km/day

high comfort L
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Athletic Danube Bike Path Passau - Vienna athletic

5 nights, 70-85 km/day
good comfort M

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Bike Tour Passau - Vienna Passau - Vienna active

6 nights, 40-75 km/day
good comfort M
high comfort L
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Bike Tour in rural Austria Bike Tour rural Austria
7 nights, 30-55 km/day

good comfort M
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Cycle Tour Passau Vienna Passau - Vienna leisurely

7 nights, 40-65 km/day
good comfort M
high comfort L
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Cycling from Passau to Vienna Passau - Vienna leisurely

7 nights, 30-65 km/day

luxurious XL
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Big tour on the Danube cycle path The big tour
10 nights, 20-55 km/day
good comfort M
high comfort L
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Cycle Tour Austrian Danube Linz - Vienna leisurely

5 nights, 40-70 km/day

high comfort L
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Wachau tour - based in one hotel Wachau, based in one hotel

5 nights, 40-45 km/day
good comfort M
high comfort L
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Trans Austria - from Salzburg to Vienna Salzburg - Vienna active
Trans Austria
7 nights, 30-65 km/day

high comfort L
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The Danube region - great discoveries
Bike tour in the Innviertel Bike tour Innviertel
round trip from Linz

7 nights, 55-65 km/day
high comfort L
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Tauern Cycle Path Krimml - Passau Krimml - Passau
Tauern Cycle Path
7 nights, 40-60 km/day
good comfort M
high comfort L
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Enns Cycle Path Radstadt - Linz
Enns Cycle Path
7 nights, 40-55 km/day

high comfort L
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Kalkalpen Bike Tour Kalkalpen Bike Tour
round trip from Steyr
4 nights, 40-60 km/day

high comfort L
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Cycle Tour Burgenland Cycle Tour Burgenland
Vienna - Lake Neusiedl
- Bratislava
7 nights, 35-65 km/day
high comfort L
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Muehlviertel - Gourmet Tour
round trip from Linz

7 nights, 40-75 km/day
high comfort L
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Lake Neusiedl - based in one hotel Lake Neusiedl
based in one hotel
7 nights, 43-72 km/day
good comfort M
high comfort L
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We offer our bike tours on Danube in three different comfort levels. You will find more details about this in the respective tour descriptions. The distances you will cycle every day vary between 20-80 kilometres (12-50 mi), depending on the tours. For your orientation: On a flat route you can leisurely cycle 15 kilometres (9 mi) in an hour.